Thanks for sharing your thoughts!Man,those examples of helpful reviews brought back memories of the time when I wrote my reviews that way.I felt I had to put the compliments and positive part first so as to not sound too critical before getting to the next part where I would write about the areas that could be improved.I try to leave the negative parts out or at least keep them as short as I can.
The third or final part would just be another compliment and best wishes for their next project.Sometimes,if the first two parts get too long,I may also add a short summary in the third part.
Good luck in your projects and I hope you get more reviews that can help you in your journey!
Eh, don’t pay attention to them. Maturity is the only thing that can make an NG user stop using the reviews as a comments section. At least you can laugh at the creatively worded roasts like rphb’s!
Yeah, to be fair to them at least they put some creative effort into their putdown!